Data & Outcomes

Your Path. Your Purpose.

You Can Do It! We Can Help.

Beyond Barnard is committed to providing transparent data about its services and resources, as it shares stories about the many trajectories of Barnard students and alumnae.

Beyond Barnard Outcomes


placement in jobs and graduate school, six months after graduation, for the class of 2022.


institutions where the Class of 2022 was employed or enrolled in graduate school by November 2022


individual advising engagements since January 2018

Your Path. Your Purpose.

Tracking Student & Alumnae Success

Six months after receiving their degree, 91% of Barnard alumnae in the Class of 2022 were working or enrolled in graduate school.

Full information about the Class of 2022 is available in our outcomes report. Details on our reporting methodologies, along with previous outcomes reports, are available here.

Beyond Barnard is committed to providing transparent information about its services and resources, as well as information about the many destinations of its alumnae. Questions can be sent to


Get to Know Our Work

Our 2023 Annual Report

Read our 2023 annual report! Each September, we produce a report that includes transparent data and stories about the resources and services we provide to students and alums. Past annual reports can be viewed here.


Additional Beyond Barnard Engagement Statistics

  • 20,000+ advising engagements at Beyond Barnard since the initiative's launch (Jan 2018-December 2022)
  • 5,400+ individuals served by advising (January 2018-June 2023)
  • 326 Summer Research Institute students (Summer 2023)
  • 69% of currently-enrolled sophomores, juniors, and seniors have completed at least one advising appointment at Beyond Barnard (Fall 2023)
  • 84% of Barnard students and alumnae with at least a 3.5 GPA and 510 MCAT have been accepted into at least one allopathic (MD) medical school (during the previous five years)
  • 11 Barnard students and alumnae were selected as Fulbright recipients in 2022 (breaking the College's most recent record of 10 — set in just 2020). This is in addition to 6 Barnard students and alumnae selected as Fulbright recipients in 2021, 2019 and in 2018; Barnard has been a “top producer” of Fulbright students for 6 years in a row (as of January 2022); Schwartzman Scholar (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022); Pickering Fellow (2019); Udall Scholar (2019); Davis Projects for Peace (2018 & 2019); Gates Cambridge Scholar (2021); Goldwater Scholar (2022).
  • 150+ external employers and graduate institutions, along with 20 on- and off-campus student job hosts attended 2020, 2021, and 2022 Opportunities Fairs, along with the Fall 2023 Opportunities Conference
  • In 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Columbia University was the most common destination for graduate education among individuals pursuing additional study after Barnard (150+ students in these graduating classes enrolled in Columbia) 
  • 75% of Barnard students are estimated to complete an internship during their four years at the College